Cleaning The Ocean

Dario Sattui

November 16th, 2022

Cleaning The Oceans from Plastic

How many people realize that there is an island of trash – mostly discarded plastic – in the Pacific Ocean that is 3 times the size of France, a large European country? 8,000,000 metric tons of discarded plastic escapes into the ocean EVERY YEAR! That is the equivalent of placing five garbage bags full of trash on every foot of coastline around the world. This plastic is killing sea life and birds at an alarming rate.

How many of you realize that plastic production rose from 2.3 million tons in 1950 to 448,000,000 million tons by 2015? Production is expected to double to 896,000,000 tons by 2050.

Plastic contains additives which makes it unable to break down for 400 years or more. Half of all plastics ever manufactured have been made in the last 15 years. Landfills are overflowing with waste plastic. China has now refused to take our unwanted plastic into its country as it used to several years ago.


As I deeply care about our environment, I have invested in a company, Resynergi of Santa Rosa, California, which will take most discarded plastic and turn it into energy and/or chemicals for making new virgin plastics without harming the environment in the process. This process is called CMAP, Continuous Microwave Assisted Pyrolysis.

Discarded plastic is collected and heat of 1000 degrees Fahrenheit is applied in an oxygen-free environment causing the solid material to form a gas. The gas is then cooled into a liquid product (fuel) or it can be made into new plastic.

I am hopeful that we will all come together to solve this global issue.Otherwise, we will have a very contaminated environment which may not be worth living in.

Dario Sattui Signature

There are several organizations across the world that fight to make the ocean a cleaner place. New technologies have seen tremendous advances in cleaning ability. Places like The Ocean Cleanup, The Blue Marine Foundation, Ocean Conservancy and Oceana all strive to make impacts, these are just a few companies but there is a long list of others. We recommend doing your own research before giving money or time. We just wanted to highlight some of the different places making a true impact.

Solar at The Castle

Castello di Amorosa

April 18th, 2022

Solar at The Castle

We invested $1.4 million in a 450-kilowatt solar power array. The massive 1162 panel system was completed in January of 2022 and is situated on a spot which had been a forested slope but was significantly burned in the Glass Fire that hit the Napa Valley in 2020.

“This enormous investment is an important element of our commitment to become as self-sufficient as possible while minimizing our carbon footprint and helping with the climate change crisis. We expect this will offset our energy usage around 80%,” explains Georg Salzner, President, Castello di Amorosa.

Napa Valley Green Solar

Castello di Amorosa partnered with Centrica, Recolte Energy, 127 Energy and DEIF on the multiple components of this installation. 127 Energy designed the 556-kilowatt battery storage microgrid. Using advanced and remotely accessed power controls, the solar microgrid provides Castello di Amorosa with an independent power supply during frequent utility grid outages. During times of normal operations, the solar microgrid reduces utility energy charges and demand charges, resulting in significant operational savings for the winery.

“Due to fire risks and skyrocketing power prices, commercial business owners in California are taking matters into their own hands. Castello di Amorosa, Centrica Business Solutions, and Sungrow were great partners on this project and our collaboration exemplifies how innovative teams can solve daunting environmental and energy-related challenges,” said Mark Crowdis, CEO of 127 Energy. “The battery storage microgrid provides a striking juxtaposition of resilient, clean energy technology against the backdrop of historic castle grounds,” Crowdis added.

Solar Project

Other examples of Castello di Amorosa’s environmentally friendly programs and practices:

· Napa Green Certified: the winery has been Napa Green Certified since May 2018 (renewed in June 2021). Being Napa Green Certified’s requirements include LED Lighting, using a minimum of 50% recycled paper in the winery offices; using recycled cardboard and recycled pulp for shipping (instead of Styrofoam), using green certified cleaning agents and hand soap; using recyclable/compostable plates/flatware.

Bio Microbics Micro Fiber filtration system: the winery treats all of its processed water (water used during production of wine) and re-uses it for landscaping. Since 2017, the winery has treated and re-used over 5,000,000 gallons of water.

· The winery has begun composting as of January, 2022.

· Napa Ride Share program: the winery pays employees to carpool, thus eliminating more cars on the road.

Castello di Amorosa owns and farms 130 acres in Napa, Sonoma and Anderson Valley.