Art of Castello di Amorosa
Italian Frescoes & Paintings in The Napa Valley
Castello di Amorosa is filled with Italian art inspired by the 12th through 16th century. The castle has more than 50 frescoes and paintings throughout the rooms and halls. We encourage you to scroll down and learn more about the different artists and art pieces that have been on display here in the Napa Valley. Several of our paintings have roots all the way back to the 12th century, several frescoes are from the Palazzo Pubblico in Siena and the town hall in Siena, Italy.
♦ Great Hall ♦ Chapel ♦ Knight’s Hall ♦ Il Passito ♦ Wine Library ♦ Artists ♦ Fan Art ♦

The Great Hall Artwork
Family Crest
Above the fireplace is a painting that includes the Sattui family crest. The artwork’s verbiage on the shield is based on a 14th century Italian poem. Loosely translated it means “I am the lord of these vines. I make wine and everybody has a happy heart.”

The Great Hall Artwork
Allegory of Good & Bad Government (1339)
Located on the long wall to the right as you enter the room through the main door. This Italian fresco replica is a painting of the Allegory of Good Government. The replica fresco was painted by the Sanzogni brothers, Fabio & Elio. These Italian frescoes are from the allegories in the Palazzo Pubblico in Siena. Originally painted by Ambrogio Lorenzetti between February 1338 and May 1339. The paintings have been construed as being “designed to remind the Nine [magistrates] of just how much was at stake as they made their decisions”. The Republic of Siena was one of the most powerful of the 14th-century Italian city-states, an urban hub filled with bankers and merchants with many international contacts. The 14th century was a turbulent time for politics in the Italian cities due to constant violent party struggles; governments were overthrown, and governments were reinstated. Read more about the original artwork here.

The Great Hall Artwork
Battle of Republic of Siena & England
The replica Italian fresco art was painted by the Sanzogni brothers, Fabio & Elio. The Battle itself took place outside Siena in the 14th century. The original fresco is in the town hall of Siena, Italy.

The Great Hall Artwork
The Story (1339)
On the wall to the left of the main door, is a series of Italian frescoes copied from 14th century frescoes at the Palazzo Davanzati in Florence. Each section of the painting represents an individual scene. They depict a moralistic tale of love, jealously, betrayal and death.

The Chapel Artwork
The Alter Fresco
The centerpiece of any Chapel, the Alter is adorned with Medieval frescoes by Monika Limart. The paintings were inspired by actual medieval Italian church frescoes.

The Chapel Artwork
Mother Mary & Jesus Fresco
This Medieval Fresco by Monika Limart was painted directly on plaster walls of the Castle. The painting depicted Mother Mary with Baby Jesus as they were surrounded by the Wise Men. The Fresco was painted in traditional religious colors.
The Chapel Artwork
Taddeo di Bartolo’s “Hell”
Painted by Fabio Sanzogni who came from Chile to do the work. “Hell,” being replicated by Sanzogni, was created in 1493 by Taddeo di Bartolo in San Gimignano and includes various depictions of the gruesome torments to be suffered by those who commit and of the Seven Deadly Sins. Taddeo di Bartolo was a conservative artist but is noteworthy for his series of frescoes on Roman Republican heroes and civic Virtues (1406-14) in the Palazzo Pubblico, Siena, which are early examples of a type that became popular in the Renaissance.Painted in the fresco-style, Sanzogni estimates it will take 6-8 months to complete this masterpiece.
The Knight's Hall
Knight Frescoes
Upon entering our Knight’s Hall, you will see a collection of Knight based portraits throughout the gallery. This collection of frescoes were painted by Luca Ferrotti. The paintings are a series of Knight’s dressed in brightly colored attire, depicting medieval tournament jousting.
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Fabio & Elio Sanzogni
About The Artist
The Italian born painters, sculptors, designers and muralists. Born in an Italian Alps valley, they were exposed to art, since the age of six, thorough prehistoric stone carvings (see Vallecamonica). Old frescoes in their grandfather’s house gave him the passion for colours and composition. In 1987, Fabio Sanzogni co-founded and directed L’Atelier, a set designing company that created sets for more than 120 plays and shows for opera theaters, TV networks, opera, ballet, plays, commedia dell’arte and musicals. Living a life of a bohemian, he landed in the U.S. in 1992, becoming permanent resident and citizen a few years later. Founding Studio d’Arte integrated his ne art with architectural decorations. You can check it out here (studiodarteonline.com).

Monica Limart
About The Artist
Medieval frescoes by Monika Limart, the native chilean spent most of her life studying medieval religious art. Limart flew in from Chile to do the work after the Chapel was constructed. The paintings were inspired by actual medieval church frescoes.

Luca Ferrotti
About The Artist
The Canvas paintings inside The Castello were just about all painted by Luca Ferrotti. His art can be seen in the Passito Room and The Grand Barrel room. Raised by Arezzo goldsmith artists since he was a boy. As he matured he also developed a strong interest in ‘war’ painting by painting historical paintings with typically medieval subjects (battles, uniforms, heraldry and Flemish-inspired subjects) so much so that he was known as the “painter of battles”.